Honey, You deserve a massage

It’s all about time management on your honeymoon folks!

Two phrases newlyweds rarely say in the same sentence are ‘surfing’ and ‘honeymoon’. However, your partner entered into this now legally bound relationship knowing full-well that surfing is your mistress. And like anyone with a mistress, you are inherently selfish. It's not like you haven't missed breakfast for “one more" and even if you haven't, one day you will.

The honeymoon is a time for celebration, before you return to what can feel at times like an unadventurous schedule of a 9-5.

We know the thought of lying on a beach for eight days straight gives you instant anxiety, that’s why any trip to a tropical locale with your significant other can be difficult.

By no means are we going to suggest that you spend the entirety of your time scoring waves (although you could), whilst your spouse sits in the hotel room or the sand. You need to make them forget you've been out all morning scoring waves because you booked them an appointment and they are feeling pampered and euphoric.

The two luxury resorts we recommend for your style of trip are either at Niyama Private Islands in the Maldives or the Nihi Sumba, Indonesia.

Best Surf Resort Maldives Niyama Luxury Sea Plane

Niyama Private Islands resort itself is without flaw and their attention to detail is impeccable.

The Niyama Drift Spa has two locations; there are the six overwater treatment room’s with views of the lagoon. Sell your partner on the sounds of ocean crushing beneath them whilst the trained masseuses relieve all their tension. And if that's a little too crowded, there are private sanctuaries with gardens, outdoor baths, rain showers and a daybed.

The Drift Spa also comes equipped with a relaxation area, lime tree garden sauna and steam baths, plunge pools, jacuzzis and a vitality juice bar for your finished. That shouldn't be too hard to sell, right?

For the surfer, there are three main breaks, two of which are within a 10 - 15-minute boat ride from the resort, the other you can walk to.

Vodi, which is exclusive to Niyama guests, works best when the wind is blowing from a North to Easterly direction. This wave is fast and more challenging, but easily make-able for the intermediate to advanced surfer when it's packing a bit more punch. When the swell isn't surging it can be enjoyed on a variety of fun boards. Mauroof or Kasabu as its more commonly known is our main spot on a North-Westerly wind. Kasabu is positioned on the opposite side of the channel from Niyama's Play Island, 10 short minutes by boat. The reef is sharply shaped and offers world-class right-handers suitable for all levels. In medium-sized swells, intermediate and advanced surfers can test themselves around the bend for prolonged runs on the face. Hocus Pocus or Screaming Kids is the most challenging. If you set your line right we promise you'll get tubed. But beware, this place only works when everywhere else is maxing out, so it won't be small.

Nihi Sumba Best Surf Resort Bali Luxury

Nihi Sumba, Indonesia is plentiful when it comes to activities. We're talking Yoga & Wellness classes, Surfing, Kitesurfing, Fishing, Spa Safaris, Excursions to villages, Paddle Boarding, Horseback riding, Sumba Culture tours and a Chocolate Factory.

But you're going on your honeymoon so we will give you the ammo you need in the more 'relaxing' activities so that you can dip off for that surf. The Nihi wellness program focuses on all aspects of well-being and relaxation. It is their opinion that a balanced life is the key to happiness. Their objective is to make guests feel rejuvenation and rebalanced through a plethora of activities to reconnect with one's inner self.

If the early morning dip isn't going to be enough for you, we recommend you book your partner the Nihi Oka Spa Safari, this will basically give you one entire day. It’s an early start, but once back from your session at Occy's your partner is going to be so relaxed they hardly noticed you weren't at lunch.

Nihi Sumba has an exclusive left-hander that breaks off the Southern tip of the island, Occy's Left, which is capped at 10 surfers per day. It's rippable at any size, but the bigger, the better. After many trips there we recommend hitting it at low tide when it's fast and hollow with stand-up barrels on offer.

Regardless of which luxury surf destination you decide on, don't forget to enjoy yourselves, a bit of alone time will do you some good and look on the bright side, you've now got the rest of your lives together!